ITEMS AVAILABLE (SEE CATALOG): 40,000+- Wreaths in many sizes both decorated & undecorated, 6,000+- Rolls of White Pine Roping, Specialty items such as Kissing Balls, Centerpieces, Swags, Grave Blankets, Candy Canes & Crosses, Winter Berries, Bulk Greens, Many Unique Arrangements, & Much More.
TREE QUANTITIES: 50,000+- Trees. Average lot size is 50 for standard sizes. Large trees & exotic varieties are typically in smaller lots.
SPECIES: Fraser, Douglas, Balsam, Noble, Concolor, Cook, Canaan, Nikko, Nordmann, Turkish, Corkbark, Korean, White Pine, Grand, Scotch, & More. Most of our Frasers are grown in North Carolina, Balsam in NY & Canada, Noble Fir in Oregon, while the other species are grown mainly in Pennsylvania.
TRUCKING: We have many trucks available to deliver to you. All you need to do is purchase the trees. Contact the operations manager for more info. You may also supply your own truck.
LOADING: We have ample staff to load your trees every day except Sunday ($0.55 per tree) whether you use our trucks or your own. Or you may load your own trees.
LODGING: Many people choose to attend both days of the auction so local lodging is listed here.
PAYMENT: Cash: (no fee). Credit Cards: (3% fee).
Checks: Only accepted from existing customers. New customers may apply to pay by check by completing this form by November 14th and consenting to credit & background checks. All customers paying by check must also sign a confessed judgement form personally guaranteeing their check. All purchases & trucking must be paid prior to leaving BVPA. Pennsylvania sales tax is charged unless a sales tax number is registered with us. Trees must be removed by November 28th